Friday, August 13, 2010

Respect the citizens where you visit

Our taxi driver surprised us on the way to the Rome Airport with a side trip to Avertine Hill. As we tried to speak in our broken Italian on the way to the airport, he showed his appreciation by saying that he wanted to show us something that he "Showed his best friends."  He wanted us to see "la buco."  Try as we might, we couldn't find this word in our abridged Italian-English dictionary.  So, as we drove through Rome, the three of us chatted in Italian and English, anticipating our finding "la buco."  When we got to the top of the Hill, we parked at an area that was founded by the "Knights of Malta." 
Our driver promptly jumped out of the car, opened our doors, and walked across the parking lot saying, "buco, buco, buco."  As we quickly discovered, "buco" was the "Key Hole in the Door..."  If you look closely through the key hole, you can see an archway.  I looked through the key hole and saw the Vatican in the distance -- the only thing that you could see.  I grabbed my camera, held it up to the key hole and took several shots, trying to capture the amazing sight.  My picture did not come out very clearly.  So, the sight that you see below is the "Vatican Through the Key Hole" that I found online.  It was taken with the doors open, but the shot is amazing.  Bottom line -- speak the language no matter how little you know or how bad your pronunciation.  You are a visitor in another land and you will be blessed with amazing opportunities.

Knights of Malta...
Key Hole in the Door...
Vatican Thru the Key Hole!

1 comment:

  1. I love the story behind this picture and I love this picture. How wonderful that a "local" would want to share something so special with you and Midge! It really must have been so exciting to look thru the keyhole and see the vatican. Maybe being a Catholic I find that to be so fascinating.
